This drawing by second grader Collin Felker sums up all the ways our roofs protect homes, institutions, and businesses and the people in them. It was the winner of last year’s Children’s Art Contest held as a part of National Roofing Week.
Organized by the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), National Roofing Week takes place June 3-9 this year.
With a mission to increase awareness of the significance of roofs to every home and business and to highlight the good deeds of the industry, the event also promotes the importance of hiring an experienced professional roofing contractor.
NRCA lists qualifications to look for when selecting a professional roofing contractor. What better time to review them than National Roofing Week. In its 95th year, the Tri-State/Service Group is proud to provide all of these, and more:
• Fully insured, committed to safety
• Financial stability
• Proven track record of successfully completed projects
• Knowledge of different types of roof systems
• Application expertise
• Licensed and bonded
• Provisions for on-site supervision
• Client references
• Warranty that covers workmanship
• Professional maintenance program
• Continuing education
• Provides a written proposal
• Well-established with a permanent place of business, telephone, tax ID, licenses
• Affiliation with industry organizations