Cumberland Tri-State division earns Safety Award in recognition for best implementation of “Working. Safe.” program.

Ken Hanson of Tri-State’s Cumberland division (center) is presented with the 2021 Safety Award by Rachel Reed (left) and Tom Davies (right) of the Tri-State/Service Roofing & Sheet Metal Group.
The Cumberland division of Tri-State Roofing & Sheet Metal Company, a commercial and industrial full-service roofing, sheet metal, and HVAC company in Ridgeley, W. Va. was recently honored by the Tri-State/Service Roofing & Sheet Metal Group with its Safety Award at the company’s annual meeting.
The Safety Award was established in 1982 and is given to the company within the Tri-State/Service Group that has achieved the highest overall safety performance in that year. Tri-State’s Cumberland division in Ridgeley was among twelve companies competing for the honor.
Celebrating its 99th anniversary this year, the Tri-State/Service Group works continuously to improve safety performance–evaluating and refining processes daily–with a zero injury and illness goal through its safety program “Working. Safe.”